

What is ISO 17100?
Translation services trusted by global companies over the world
ISO 17100 Certification
What is ISO 17100?

ISO 17100 is a global standard for a translation management system stipulated by the
International Organization for Standardization (ISO). It specifies the steps necessary to provide high-
quality translation services, which includes strict quality management processes, as well as human
resource management, professional translation management systems, feedback procedures,
efficient use of technology and strict data protection.

The ISO17100 certification, which started based on the European standard certification of EN
15038 and was then expanded and integrated into ISO, is a testament to reliable translation
service for global companies. It ensures the highest level of reliability by having established itself
as an essential qualification for professional translation services used by leading global companies.

Additionally, ISO 17100 certification is no longer an option but a prerequisite for domestic and
global companies doing business in today’s international marketplace.

The ISO 17100 certification stipulates the following conditions according to its strict procedures.

Revision by a reviser who meets the standard’s qualifications and is independent of the translator – an important “second eye” that assures the quality of the final content.

Most of the domestic translation companies do not have professional revisors in-house, or in many cases, the translations are processed and delivered with a minimum number of personnel.
Prolangs Inc. provides the highest level of translation service to its clients through the country's largest full-time in-house staff of revisors and reviewers.

Extensive human resources who perform processes according to strict qualifications (degrees and specialties, experience/career)

Prolangs Inc. is Korea’s premier time-tested and proven corporate translation company, with approximately 4,000 translators covering global languages and business specialties.

Preliminary conditions and rules for best quality control

The ISO 17100 certification prevents translation quality issues by clearly defining work procedures and tools to ensure the highest standards of quality assurance, such as a feedback system, style guide, and glossary.

Data protection and security

In this era’s high volume of information exchanged through the Internet, the importance of data security cannot be overemphasized.
Therefore, Prolangs Inc. has adopted ISO 17100 standards that strictly regulate data security and adheres to the data protection regulations specified by the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for customer data.

Prolangs Inc. is one of the very few translation companies in Korea with ISO 9001 certification, an international quality assurance system for products and services, as well as ISO 17100 certification. We provide our clients with the highest quality translation services under strict quality certification procedures.

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